Material Fortbildung Psychotherapeut:innen
Dokumente | Download Link |
Nationale Versorgungsleitlinien Unipolare Depression: Patienteninformation | |
Informationsblatt STEP für Betroffene und Fachpersonal | |
Qualifikation und Schulungsinhalte der STEP-Sporttherapeut:innen | |
STEP-Flyer | |
Ablauf Impuls | |
Literaturverzeichnis |
Metaanalysen, Leitlinien und Ergebnisberichte
Dokumente | Download Link |
Wolf et al., 2023 A transdiagnostic group exercise intervention for mental health outpatients in Germany (ImPuls) | |
WHO Guidelines körperliche Aktivität | |
STEP.De Evaluationsbericht | |
STEP.De Ergebnisbericht | |
Singh et al., 2023 Efffectiveness of physical activity interventions for Improving depression, anxiety and distress | |
Schuch et al., 2018 physical activity and incident depression a meta analysis of prospective cohort studies | |
Schuch et al., 2016 Exercise as a treatment for depression: A meta analysis adjusting for publication bias | |
S-3 Leitlinien Unipolare Depression 2022 | |
Recchia et al., 2022 Meta Comparative effectiveness of exercise, antidepressants and their combination in treating non-severe depression | |
Brinsley et al., 2020 Effects of yoga on depressive symptoms in people with mental disorders: a systematic review and meta- analysis | |
Heissel et al., 2023 Exercise as medicine for depressive symptoms? A systematic review and meta-analysis with meta-regression | |
Noetel et al., 2024 Effect of exercise for depression: systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials |